Greenclk 1和Greenclk 2 32.768 kHz和MHz晶体更换产品亚博电竞菠菜

GreenCLK 1 and GreenCLK 2

32.768 kHz and MHz Crystal Replacement Products

A team of engineers is ready to answer your questions

Dialog GreenCLK 1 Technology

Dialog GreenCLK 1 is a silicon based 32.768 kHz crystal replacement technology, which, when combined with a MHz crystal, yields a cost effective IC with multiple 32.768 kHz clock outputs and multiple MHz clock outputs.

  • 极低功率:32.768 kHz RTC为1.8μA
  • Improved performance over temperature: +/- 20 ppm at 25 °C and +/- 35 ppm over temperature for 32.768 kHz.
  • 最多4个输出
  • 小脚印:2.0 x 2.0 mm tdfn或2.0 x 3.0 mm tqfn无铅包装
  • Simplifies the timing layout and reduces the component count

Dialog GreenCLK 2 Technology

Dialog Greenclk 2利用DIALOG Greenclk技术的所有功能加入标准PLL,该PLL为32.768 kHz提供了较低的功率,并为MHz输出频率的更大灵活性。

  • 极低功率:32.768 kHz RTC为1.5μA
  • Improved performance over temperature: +/- 20 ppm at 25 °C and +/- 35 ppm over temperature for 32.768 kHz.
  • Maximum 6 outputs
  • 小脚印:2.0 x 3.0 mm tqfn免费包装
  • Simplifies the timing layout and reduces the component count
Platforms Frequencies
英特尔新月湾 - 一芯片 32.768 kHz, 24 MHz, 25 MHz, 27 MHz
英特尔新月湾 - 两芯片 32.768 kHz, 24 MHz, 25 MHz, 25 MHz, 27 MHz
Intel Sky Lake – One Chip 32.768 kHz, 24 MHz, 25 MHz, 27 MHz
英特尔天湖 - 两芯片 32.768 kHz, 24 MHz, 25 MHz, 25 MHz, 27 MHz
Intel Bay Trail 32.768 kHz,25 MHz,25 MHz,27 MHz
英特尔樱桃踪迹 32.768 kHz,19.2 MHz,25 MHz,27 MHz
Intel Sharkbay – One Chip 32.768 kHz,25 MHz, 24 MHz, 27 MHz
英特尔鲨鱼 - 两芯片 32.768 kHz,25 MHz,27 MHz
没有图形的英特尔首席河 32.768 kHz,25 MHz
英特尔首席河与图形 32.768 kHz,25 MHz,27 MHz
Intel Huron River without Graphics 32.768 kHz,25 MHz
AMD Platforms 32.768 kHz,25 MHz,27 MHz

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