对于那些喜欢一杯赤霞珠,Sauvignon Blanc或Pilsner的人,您知道该饮料的温度是其享受的关键。为红葡萄酒提供,过于冷藏,它会破坏味道。让我们甚至没有进入温暖的啤酒的味道。如果您对温度如何影响葡萄酒的风味,请查看此简短和娱乐video from Wine Folly. AskMen Basics likewise provides aguide to beer temperatures.
Before the beverage gets bottled and you sit down to enjoy it at the local pub, temperature plays another critical role: it is a key factor in the fermentation process. Such processes can vary greatly. It’s not just the ingredients that differ among various types of beers and wines; how the maker controls environmental conditions such as temperature during fermentation can lead to dramatically different flavors and qualities.
温度方差导致发酵速度和风味发展的差异。由于发酵过程是放热的 - 意味着它在发酵罐中产生了自身的热温自然上升。但是该过程中常见的酵母是生物体,如果它太冷,他们可以休眠,可以防止控制它过热,如果有太多的温度波动,可以自毁。这些情况中的任何一个都会对饮料的味道产生负面影响。
Of course, there are other key environmental factors that vintners and brewers must monitor and control. In addition to temperature, these include things such as sugar and CO2 levels, humidity, and the environment outside the tank. In breweries and wineries across the world, new technologies are helping to monitor these elements to make sure that the fermentation process goes smoothly and that the end result is exactly what the vintner or brewer intended.
Adesto的客户之一已经设计了发酵罐网通信系统,以确保罐体可以保持精确和适当的温度。该解决方案包括传感器,软件和即插即用控件,可伸缩以适应几乎任何尺寸的操作,包括跨多个位置的监控。由于管理人员可以使用它来设置和监控温度,控制冷却液水平和设置警报 - 无需人为干预 - 解决方案可以大大提高罐式监测过程的可靠性,并提高整体能源效率。
At the heart of the solution are multiple technologies from Adesto, including our SmartServer, Power Line Communications, and other technologies. In one product, Adesto’s SmartServer acts as a hub, communicating with the networked thermostats over existing power wires. As such, it monitors conditions, logs data, initiates event responses, kicks off scheduled events, and sends notifications when needed. And it does all of this in a wet industrial environment where reliability is key.
The road to Adesto
Such a solution has applications beyond wine and beer fermentation. For example, there is a growing trend toward indoor agriculture, where it’s important to monitor and control irrigation, humidity, lighting, and other environmental factors.
Adesto’s control networking solutions are used by companies who want to easily get going with their application. Our newSmartServer IoTcan take these solutions to new and exciting levels, with an architecture that is designed for modern web services.
With SmartServer IoT, companies can seamlessly and securely connect to cloud platforms for increased efficiencies and predictive analytics. Vintners and brewers using a system based on this technology would be able to access data generated by their fermentation tanks to gain deeper insights into the effects of temperature and other environmental conditions on their fermentation process, and more efficiently create beverages that meet their exacting specifications. This could mean better processes, better production, and better wine. Cheers!