I set the chip into the extended sleep mode, and then can't debug via the KEIL and jlink. It's correct. But the chip wake up from the sleep mode ,and use the function SetBits(SYS_CTRL_REG, DEBUGGER_ENABLE, 1); it still can't debug via the KEIL and jlink, and give me an error "No Cortex-M SW Device Found". That's why? The debug block can recover from the sleep mode? Thanks a lot.
Hi wzh16622,
在睡眠模式下jtag detouched by the da, you can re-enable the debug block and attach the jtag to the da, but its fairly complicated. The team is looking on this issue and if possible to expose this ability in the future but for now its not supported.
Thanks MT_dialog
Thanks for your reply!
Regards WZH.