UART display is not coming proper

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sardar shamsher...
Last seen:5 years 10 months ago
加入:2015-04-01 12:13
UART display is not coming proper

I have downloaded SDK DA14580_581_SDK_3.0.8.0 and to test did following steps
1. cloned dk_apps to dk_apps_test.
2. The new cloned dk_apps_test\keil_projects\template\template\template.uvproj opened in keil uVision and did build
3. Loaded .hex file to eval board muRata P2ML3078 using smartSnippets v3.7
4. The download shows successful and then pressed reset button
5. The cosole (uart) o/p is showing some junk values like

6. After this disconnected smartSnippets v3.7 terminal, opened hyperterminal with setting as 115200,8N1 with no flow control.
still getting junk o/p as Ü

Please help ASAP to resolve above issues.

Last seen:5 years 10 months ago
加入:2015-02-26 14:00


Unfortunately I can't help you , I encountered the same problem. Hope someone will help us soon !

sardar shamsher...
Last seen:5 years 10 months ago
加入:2015-04-01 12:13
reply please

reply please

Last seen:4 days 16 hours ago
加入:2014-02-07 14:10


The hex file is loaded into RAM. Pressing the reset button after loading will empty the RAM. There will be a moment where you might be prompted by smartsnippets to press a button before loading the code. There is no need to press the reset button after the download.

The junk values can be explained by the fact that after pressing the reset button, the evaluation kit (re)starts the booting sequence toggling some of the GPIO pins according the description in application note AN-B-001 DA14580 Booting from serial interfaces v2.0.pdf.This toggling of pins is expected and shows some garbage characters on the UART interface.

Best regards, RvA

sardar shamsher...
Last seen:5 years 10 months ago
加入:2015-04-01 12:13

Thanks. UART and GPIO are working fine. checking for data transfer using BLE.

Last seen:3 years 4 months ago
加入:2015-01-27 17:53

When I download a hex file in UART mode using the SmatSnippets v3.6 Booter it asks to press Reset and once I press reset it gets detected and shows "Successfully download firmware file to the board". However, immediately the board gets booted from the firmware in EEPROM through I2C that has been programmed before using JTAG. The same problem happens if I try to connect using EEPROM Programmer and download the flashprogrammer.bin.
This problem does not happen in JTAG mode. But I can't use UART terminal in JTAG mode.
I use my custom board with Basic Dev board.