Is there a tool on Windows to test a HCI implementation on DA14581?

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Last seen:5 years 7 months ago
加入:2014-07-30 03:56
Is there a tool on Windows to test a HCI implementation on DA14581?

I am going to implentment a HCI on DA14581, using "".
Then, I want to test the HCI interface, throng UART between my PC and a small DA14581 board.
Bluez is a tool. Is it run on linux only?
Is there a tool on Windows to test a HCI implementation on DA14581? The tool can send HCI command and show receive data.

Thank you .

Last seen:5 years 7 months ago
加入:2014-07-30 03:56
Does SmartSnippets can be

Does SmartSnippets can be used as the tool?

Last seen:3 days 1 hour ago
加入:2015-06-08 34
Hi iamadog3333

Hi iamadog3333

BlueZ works only for Linux as it requires Linux Kenrel (drivers and lower part of the BT stack) and smart snippets can't be used either.

Unfortunately all the windows BT stacks are not good for hacking. You have to write your own tool based on Windows Bluetooth API, or something more easy is to install a virtualization software and install any kind of Ubuntu and then use BlueZ as you want, there should not be a problem.

Is there a particular reason for using a windows tool?

Thanks MT_dialog