yabo国际娱乐对话框半导体客户支持- BMI160 https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/resource-keywords/bmi160 en could not set acceleration range on DA14583 IoT Sensor Development Kit https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/could-not-set-acceleration-range-da14583-iot-sensor-development-kit <迪v class="field field-name-taxonomy-forums field-type-taxonomy-term-reference field-label-above">

I cant change the accel rate from 2G to 16G
according on the User Manual DA 14583 IoT sensor to set basic configuration where is able to set the accelerometer range
at byte 2 an 0x0C has to send to change range to 16G. (page 26).
i am sending that via my app . but no change is hapen . the acceleration value that i get at runing is 16000 aprox.
so means 1G at 2G setting. but i like to measure at 16G so far the the value i should get is a round 2000.

i am using SFL Projekt.

i could set all other basic configuration sucessfull , only acceleration range is not working.
pleas confirm if there is an error on firmware SFL . and send me the solution.

thanks for your help,.
best regards.

Tue, 17 May 2016 17:17:41 +0000 Jean-Paul 3414 at https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/could-not-set-acceleration-range-da14583-iot-sensor-development-kit#comments