Dialog Semiconductor customer support - 14583 flash spi https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/resource-keywords/14583-flash-spi en download to SPI flash through UART https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/download-spi-flash-through-uart

I have trouble with downloading the HEX to internal flash memery of 14583 through UART,using the snappets. I can "connect" but never "erase",and the read back data are "0x00".When trying to "burn",I allways get "Timeout whilewaiting to receive the most significant byte of packet length(10000 msecs)" message. the VCCFLASH pin is tied to 3.0V,and the P2_3 is left float,and the other 3 SPI pins are desinged to attatch to ADXL362(but the sensor is not welded now),only the P2_0(SPI_EN) pin has 3 capacitances(2.0uF) in connection. I can use the uart booter to load HEX and use the KEIL IDE to debug. What may be my mistake?

Thu, 28 Apr 2016 09:01:57 +0000 birenpeter 3330年https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/download-spi-flash-through-uart#comments