Dialog Semiconductor customer support - Code Composer Studio https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/resource-keywords/code-composer-studio en External Proximity Reporter app on MSP430 https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/external-proximity-reporter-app-msp430

Hi all,

frist of all: my goal is to get the the host application of the external proximity reporter app (projects\host_apps\da1458x\proximity\reporter) running on an MSP430.

In order to accomplish that, I am trying to "port" the project to Code Composer Studio (CCS). My initial thought was to just create a clean project in CCS and add the source and header files of the Keil project and replace the device-specific drivers (such as SPI). My problem is that I'm not able to get the project running, since CCS doesn't have access to the DA14580 SDK. (app.c, app_task.c, ble_msg.c, .... all include files from the SDK.) Is it correct that the project needs access to the SDK? How do I accomplish that?

I imagine I am not the first one trying to get the proximity reporter running on an MSP430. Is there a how-to guide for that problem? I tried to work with UM-B-010 and UM-B-013, but I didn't find them very useful, since they're just explaining the scenario in which the host application runs on a DA1458x.

Any help is appreciated!

Thu, 28 Jan 2016 13:58:01 +0000 mabraun 2640 at https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/external-proximity-reporter-app-msp430#comments