Dialog Semiconductor customer support - schematic and layout symbol https://support.dialog-semiconductor。com/resource-keywords/schematic-and-layout-symbol en DA1458x QFN 40 5x5mm orcad symbol https://support.dialog-semiconductor。com/da1458x-qfn-40-5x5mm-orcad-symbol

Hi Dialog,

To speed up the design effort, may i know if there is any orcad symbol for both schematic and layout qfn40 5x5mm available to download? this will help to prevent any symbol creation issue and also help developer to have hassle free to create symbol.


Warmest regards,

Sat, 29 Aug 2015 15:12:43 +0000 lkkcharlie85 1959 at https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com https://support.dialog-semiconductor。com/da1458x-qfn-40-5x5mm-orcad-symbol#comments