Dialog Semiconductor customer support - DISS https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/resource-keywords/diss en 4 questions about Advertising Data, DSPS, SUOTA, DISS https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/4-questions-about-advertising-data-dsps-suota-diss < div class = "字段field-name-taxonomy-forums字段-type-taxonomy-term-reference field-label-above">


Now I'm working to implement the SUOTA functionality into DSPS reference peoject.
#1. Target Board : DA14580 Development Kit-PRO.
#2. base project : DSPS ref. preoject from http://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/reference-designs
#3. SUOTA example code : prox_reporter.upprojx from the SDK
My starting project is above #2 and implement the SUOTA and DISS. The code modification is fully based on the above #3 source codes.

At final stage, the ambiguity is occurred.

The DSPS's Advertising Data (as following) is mandatory to work with DSPS Central ? i.e. If I change the advertising data something different, the android DSPS application can not communcate with my DSPS device?

// DSPS's advertising data.
#define APP_DFLT_ADV_DATA "\x11\x07\xb7\x5c\x49\xd2\x04\xa3\x40\x71\xa0\xb5\x35\x85\x3e\xb0\x83\x07"
#define APP_DFLT_ADV_DATA_LEN (18)

The SUOTA's Advertising Data(as following) is mandatory to work with android's SUOTA ? ex. if the advertising data is different, the android's SUOTA can not find my device ?

// SUOTA example prox_reporter's advertising data.
#define APP_ADV_DATA "\x09\x03\x03\x18\x02\x18\x04\x18\xF5\xFE"
#define APP_ADV_DATA_LEN (8+2)

If the both question1 and question2 ' s answer is yes, how can I make the advertising data which can be used for both DSPS and SUOTA ?

The DISS is mandatory for SUOTA ?
If the DISS is not implemented to my device, the android's SUOTA can not work with my device? ex. If my device without DISS, the android's SUOTA can not find my device or can not update new software?

Fri, 14 Aug 2015 13:36:41 +0000 igotit 1908 at https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/4-questions-about-advertising-data-dsps-suota-diss#comments