对话框半导体和or customer support - signal coverage https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/resource-keywords/signal-coverage en About the coverage of DA14580 https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/about-coverage-da14580

Hi, BR JE_Dialog

I use DA14580DEVKT-B to test BLE-UART, and check the signal strength scale with DSPS on an Android phone.
DSPS indicate the signal strength scale is only 3 level(full level is 5) from DA14580DEVKT-B,then the phone
can not receive the signal from DA14580DEVKT-B out of 4 meters.

I want to know what result in the small signal, DA14580DEVKT-B or DSPS?

Can you give some advice about increasing the signal quality in the test environment i.e. DA14580DEVKT-B and DSPS?

结婚,2015年6月3日13:50:13 + 0000 MSS 1631 at https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/about-coverage-da14580#comments