JLINK Adapter - It appears that the minimal pins used for the DA14580 is SWCLK, SWDIO, Reset, Vcc, Gnd. Is there an adapter that takes me down to the minimal number of pins? I checked on this page: https://www.segger.com/jlink-adapters.html. It looks like the J-Link 9-pin Cortex-M Adapter, would work with the following assumptions:
1) Vtref gets tied to 3.3V. On a diagram for another adapter, Vtref is simply left unconnected in a schematic they provide, so not certain which is the case.
2) SWTDIO connected
3) SWCLK connected
4) SWO unconnected
5) TDI unconnected
6) nReset - since Rset on the DA14580 is active high, I assume that I need to provide an inverter on the board to handle this
7) Pins 7 and 9 unconnected
8) Pins 3 & 5 get tied to ground.