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Hello, valued Dialog staff !



现在,我想以最简单的方式进入生产:使用与专业开发工具包相同的原理图,但要精简。所以我想要完全相同的SPI flash,连接到DA14531引导我的软件。目标硬件块是DA14531,国外SPI设备与它的所有东西和一个SPI flash从Macronix。SPI应该像一个总线,具有明显的芯片选择信号。我将使用DA14531更大的pinout版本。

子板上有一个连接器,未被填充。 I understand, this is a 'common' layout for connecting to programmer tools. Following questions arise:

- can I program the development board's flash device, therefore testing the boot ? What steps are required, to program the flash with my binary? This is my first attempt to use that flash, after testing the dedicated flash sample project successfully. But that project focuses on that device' capabilities. No project shows, how to make an application persistent, so it will run after applying power.

- the Keil produces binaries, but how can or must I modify the build, so it will run, via flash storage from RAM?

- For production of a first series, I want to create a 'device', probably part of the pro kit, in order to use the 10 pin micro pitch connector. How can I do that? What must I take care for with this connector, in order to be able to program my board's flash, hopefully make test/debug? My idea was, to build a wire harness, with a PCI-X connector on one side and a 10 pin micro pitch on the other end. Would that be enough? My small target mechanics do not allow a PCI-X connector format. Alternate way: I remember another kit, housed in a white flat drum with lots of sensors, led, button, where a PCB came with it, carrying such a connector. My hope was, this PCB could be used for the same purpose?

Thanks for help, Joachim

Tue, 15 Sep 2020 12:30:45 +0000 joachimkr 378196年https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/forums/post/dialog-smartbond-bluetooth-low-energy-%E2%80%93-hardware-device-reference-designs/building-flash#comments