yabo国际娱乐对话半导体客户支持- #da14531#gdb https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/resource-keywords/da14531gdb DA14531从CLI调试 https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/forums/post/dialog-smartbond-bluetooth-low-energy-%E2%80%93-software/da14531-debug-cli < div class = "字段field-name-taxonomy-forums field-type-taxonomy-term-reference field-label-above”> < div class = "字段标签" >论坛:,< / div > < div class = "字段条目" > < div class =”field-item甚至“rel = " sioc: has_container " > < a href = " /论坛/ dialog-smartbond-bluetooth-low-energy - % E2 % 80% 93 -软件”“=“sioc:容器sioc:论坛”属性= " rdfs: label skos: prefLabel”数据类型= " " >对话框Smartbond蓝牙低能量-软件< / > < / div > < / div > < / div > < div class =”字段field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden”> < div class = "字段条目" > < div class =”field-item甚至“财产=“内容:编码”> < p >你好,< / p > < p >我想调试使用arm-none-eabi-gdb DA14531and JLinkServerCL. Can you please provide the commands I need to load the program bin/hex on to the RAM? I tried using the loadbin JLink command but I keep getting this error "Writing target memory failed.".



2020年8月15日星期六17:10:27 +0000 tsgowtham 374139年https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/forums/post/dialog-smartbond-bluetooth-low-energy-%E2%80%93-software/da14531-debug-cli#comments