Dialog Semiconductor customer support - DA14531; SmartSnippet Toolbox; OTP https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/resource-keywords/da14531-smartsnippet-toolbox-otp en Change SPI pin configuration from Configuration Header https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/forums/post/dialog-smartbond-bluetooth-low-energy-%E2%80%93-software/change-spi-pin-configuration

Hi All,

I use a custom DA14531 board connected to the DA14531 DEVKIT-PRO. I am able to program the ble_app_barebone еxample in the SYS RAM and execute, the board is working fine.

I am able to program the ble_app_barebone example to the SPI Flash on my board with SmartSnippet Toolbox and the process is sucessfull (I can read the flash and see that I've burned it successfully with the SmartSnippet Toolbox). The problem is that I use the following configuration on my custom board:
SPI-CLK: P0_4; SPI-CS: P0_1, SPI_MISO: P0_3 & SPI_MOSI: P0_6

So when I reset the board the DA14531 SoC cannot read from the SPI flash. As I understand this is because the DA14531 DEVKIT-PRO uses a Configuration Script stoared in the OTP header that tells the processor to use the default SPI configurations SPI-CLK: P0_4; SPI-CS: P0_1, SPI_MISO: P0_3 & SPI_MOSI: P0_0.

Where can I find the Configuration Script source code so I can change the SPI pins to match my custom header? What is the procedure to compile it & flash it to my custom board's OTP?

FYI: I tried modifying the flash_programmer_531.bin and the secondary_bootloader_531.bin (to use my SPI configs MOSI: P0_6), but this didn't make any difference.


0000年结婚,2020年7月15日10:33:53 + ykovachev 368947 at https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/forums/post/dialog-smartbond-bluetooth-low-energy-%E2%80%93-software/change-spi-pin-configuration#comments