尝试编程DA14531 SMARTBOND时™ 当用户试图打开调试器会话时,可能会发生错误。为了解决这个问题,用户必须将JTAG时钟速度降低到2MHz。
DA14531 SmartBond微型™ 模块现在释放!请按下面的链接查找模块的数据表、文档和硬件辅助资料:
DSP模拟串行电缆通信。它提供了一个简单的RS-232连接的替代品,包括通过蓝牙低能耗熟悉的软件流控制亚博国际官网平台网址逻辑。SPS软件发行版包括应用程序和配置文件源代码,并支持GAP中央/外围角色。单击 Now, the SDK provides two different methods to retrieve the battery charge, I'd need a third, different one. What is the correct way to set this up? Do I need to change the battery.c driver to include my battery or does the SDK offer a more future-proof solution (because if the SDK is updated, this will overwrite my changes to the battery.c file). What would be the correct way to do this without "hacking" into the SDK source files? Thanks in advance Thomas