Dialog Semiconductor customer support - da14531 smart snippets studio spi https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/resource-keywords/da14531-smart-snippets-studio-spi en Beginner questions regarding DA14531 and SmartSnippets Studio https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/forums/post/dialog-smartbond-bluetooth-low-energy-%E2%80%93-software/beginner-questions-regarding-da14531

Hello. I am really interested in your DA14531, because it looks like perfect SoC for my project. I am beginner, I have never used any Dialog HW before; I have never heard of Dialog until like 2 weeks ago, respectively. But to questions.

1) I am going to use external SPI flash, SPI IMU sensor and 32kHz crystal. In this case I will need to remap MISO and SCK to another pins in OTP memory, right? For example MISO P0_2 and SCK P0_5 would be ok?

2) When using SPI flash - will I be able to use this SPI interface for both flash and IMU?

3) Projects. I downloaded SmartSnippets Studio, SDK read guides and... there really is no anything like "create new empty project" but with the important things set? Do I really have to clone an example project and edit it to create my own project? I don't like this method so much. At least if there was just simple blink project (GCC, not Keil), where I can just delete like 4 lines to have empty project. I can see there only prox_reporter.

4) Speaking of prox_reporter, when I import it, Studio shows me:

 Invalid project path: Include path not found (C:\mypath\sdk\platform\driver\spi_hci). 

This same project opened in Keil seems ok. I don't know if it is an error or just something not important. But just this one import.

5) When I import prox_reporter to Studio, click copy, click paste, I get an 'internal error: null argument:' and then there is my new project but with no SDK directories... do not know how to describe it, look here: https://i.imgur.com/koV457i.png. Now there is like hundreds of errors and it is weird since I have my SDK in 'C:\path\to\workspace\sdk\' and it shows warnings like

 Invalid project path: Include path not found (C:\path\sdk\app_modules\api).

-- there are missing two directories in that warning path.

I think this is all I need to know for now (I hope I did not forget anything). Thank you in advance!

Sat, 18 Jan 2020 01:30:17 +0000 thespixxyq 340618 at https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/forums/post/dialog-smartbond-bluetooth-low-energy-%E2%80%93-software/beginner-questions-regarding-da14531#comments