Hi, I'm trying to read the temperature from Si705. I have connectiong to the sensor, as I have tested it, when I read the firmware-version using the measurement-process described in this pdf (https://www.silabs.com/documents/public/data-sheets/Si7050-1-3-4-5-A20.pdf) page 16. However, when I try to read the temperature, my output ends up being 0, 0. As of now my code is this:
uint8_t cmd;
uint8_t data[2];
uint16_t degrees;
cmd = Temp_H;
user_i2c_multi_byte_read(cmd, data, 2);
degrees = convert_to_uint16(data);
degrees = convert_to_celsius(degrees);
return degrees;
The code I'm using to read the bytes is the following:
void user_i2c_multi_byte_read(uint32_t reg_address, uint8_t *rd_data, uint32_t num_bytes) {
uint32_t index = 0;
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < num_bytes;){
SEND_I2C_COMMAND(0x0100 & 0x3FF); // Set R/W bit to 1 (read access) MSB
if(!(++i % 24)){ //FIFO is 32 bits
WAIT_UNTIL_I2C_FIFO_IS_EMPTY(); // Wait until Tx FIFO is empty
WAIT_UNTIL_NO_MASTER_ACTIVITY(); // wait until no master activity
for (uint8_t j = 0; j < 24; j++){
//Store the FIFO contents in ram
rd_data[index++] = (0xFF & GetWord16(I2C_DATA_CMD_REG)); // Get received byte
reg_address += 24/(i2c_cfg_env.register_width + 1);//Calculate the next register to read out
user_i2c_send_address(reg_address); //Restart the read
WAIT_UNTIL_I2C_FIFO_IS_EMPTY(); // Wait until I2C Tx FIFO empty
while(index < num_bytes){
rd_data[index++] = (0xFF & GetWord16(I2C_DATA_CMD_REG)); // Get received byte
WAIT_UNTIL_I2C_FIFO_IS_EMPTY(); // Wait until Tx FIFO is empty
WAIT_UNTIL_NO_MASTER_ACTIVITY(); // wait until no master activity }