Dialog Semiconductor customer support - USB Class https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/resource-keywords/usb-class en Add custom USB Class https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/forums/post/dialog-smartbond-bluetooth-low-energy-%E2%80%93-software/add-custom-usb-class


I'm using a DA14683 and I would like to use the USB CCID Class. However, the SDK does not provide it, so I would like to know if there is a way to add a custom USB Class implementation using the SEGGER interface.

Best Regards

Thu, 30 May 2019 13:43:25 +0000 cci 307894 at https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/forums/post/dialog-smartbond-bluetooth-low-energy-%E2%80%93-software/add-custom-usb-class#comments