Dialog Semiconductor customer support - PLT_FW https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/resource-keywords/pltfw en RF Booster , RF Testing for DA1468x https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/forums/post/dialog-smartbond-bluetooth-low-energy-%E2%80%93-software/rf-booster-rf-testing-da1468x

Hi , i want to do RF Measurnment testing for my custom board, wihich contains DA14681 along with SKY66112-11.

I am using Smartsnippets toolbox and PLT_FW firmware for testing.

In code , main.c contains line


and in file hw_rf.h , 5 levels are defined

typedef enum {
HW_RF_PWR_LUT_0dbm = 0, /**< TX PWR attenuation 0 dbm */
HW_RF_PWR_LUT_m1dbm = 1, /**< TX PWR attenuation -1 dbm */
HW_RF_PWR_LUT_m2dbm = 2, /**< TX PWR attenuation -2 dbm */
HW_RF_PWR_LUT_m3dbm = 3, /**< TX PWR attenuation -3 dbm */
HW_RF_PWR_LUT_m4dbm = 4, /**< TX PWR attenuation -4 dbm */

When in main.c i change the value from 0 to 4 dm i cant see any change in my rssi value.

2ndly in datasheet of SKY66112-11, it has only 2 TX Power modes, so how come in firmware 5 power modes are defined but in actual only 2 modes can be used by the IC .

If my understanding is wrong, please clarify.

2019年5月结婚,08年11:29:46 + 0000 mahmed106 304880年https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/forums/post/dialog-smartbond-bluetooth-low-energy-%E2%80%93-software/rf-booster-rf-testing-da1468x#comments