yabo国际娱乐Dialog半导体客户支持- ble_all_in_one https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/resource-keywords/bleallinone GPIO中断检测 https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/forums/post/dialog-smartbond-bluetooth-low-energy-%E2%80%93-software/gpio-interrupt-detection < div class = "字段field-name-taxonomy-forums field-type-taxonomy-term-reference field-label-above”> < div class = "字段标签" >论坛:,< / div > < div class = "字段条目" > < div class =”field-item甚至“rel = " sioc: has_container " > < a href = " /论坛/ dialog-smartbond-bluetooth-low-energy - % E2 % 80% 93 -软件”“=“sioc:容器sioc:论坛”property="rdfs:label skos:prefLabel" datatype="">Dialog Smartbond Bluetooth Low Energy - Software

Problem Statement


  • 我使用SW_2 (P0_6)来实现这个功能,因为SW_3目前被用于wkupct_register_callback()来初始化BLE广告。
  • I was able to register the GPIO interrupt callback by the following method
  • void register_button_isr(void)
    // Push Button input
    GPIO_EnableIRQ(GPIO_PORT_0, GPIO_PIN_6, GPIO1_IRQn, true, true, 0);

  • SW_2按下时点亮DA14583_ProDK的LED,再次按下时关闭LED。


  • 当系统处于主动模式,即广播BLE广告包时,ISR不是由SW_2引脚生成的
  • < li>如果我按照相同的过程修改Blinky示例,


期待一个积极的响应。< / p > < p >提前感谢你< / p > < p >对< br / > Dhruv沙< / p > < / div > < / div > < / div > < div class =”字段field-name-field-forum-keywords field-type-taxonomy-term-reference field-label-above”> < div class = "字段标签" >关键词:,< / div > < div class = "字段条目" > < div class =”field-item甚至“> < a href = " / resource-keywords / gpio typeof =“skos:概念”属性= " rdfs: label skos: prefLabel”数据类型= " " > GPIO < / > < / div > < div class = " field-item古怪”> < a href = " / resource-keywords /深度睡眠”“=“skos:概念”属性=“rdfs: label skos: prefLabel”数据类型= " " >深度睡眠< / > < / div > < div class =”field-item甚至“> < a href = " / resource-keywords /中断”“=“skos:概念”属性=“rdfs: label skos: prefLabel” datatype="">Interrupt

Sun, 24 june 2018 14:10:02 +0000 dhruv11593 198548年https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/forums/post/dialog-smartbond-bluetooth-low-energy-%E2%80%93-software/gpio-interrupt-detection#comments