I have one question regarding the file programmer_es5.bin, mentioned in the AN-B-020.
I'm using a PAN1740 module and I need to burn custom firmware in its OTP. I have sucessfully established UART communication between SmartSnippets and the module, since I can load the firmware through the booter funcionality.
Before burning the OTP, I've checked guidelines provided on a couple forum posts, but I found out there was a lot of bits which were either missing or shifted. These errors, despite present all over the code, did not add up throughout the burning process, as I'd expect if it was simply a timing issue. This is clear because there are still sections from later parts of memory which were correctly burned.
These are the guidelines followed:
> https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/can-you-please-provide-guides-b...
> https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/step-step-guidelines-programmin...
Checking the AN-B-020, which describes the process for recording UART via CLI, I noticed that the file programmer_ES5.bin needs to be recorded before the OTP burning procedure. Is this firmware required to correctly burn the OTP through SmartSnippets, or is it only used in the CLI method? Is it loaded automatically when using SmartSnippets or do I need to manually load it through the booter before sending the command to burn the OTP?
I'm not sure this has anything to do with the issue I had, but its an open possibility which I'd like cleared up.
Best Regards,
Felipe Ferrazzi
tl;dr: Do I need to load programmer_es5.bin through booter before burning the OTP if I'm using Smart Snippets instead of CLI?