Dialog Semiconductor customer support - test https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/resource-keywords/test en how to flash firmware to the a custom-designed DA14580 based device? https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/how-flash-firmware-custom-designed-da14580-based-device

Dear Dialog,

we have designed a wareable device, which consists of DA14580, Accelerometer, Gyroscope and magneticnometer, there is NO external mcu, and the programming interface is JTag. We are intended to use Jlink programmer to download the firmware to the DA14580. and no we come across with some confusions.
1. if we connect the device with keil vial JTag, will the firmware be flashed into OTP? that is, does it mean that we can only program the DA14580 once?
2, if still use the internal configuration, is there any way that we could program the DA14580 for more than one time? If so, please tell us detailly about the configurations both in software and hardware.
3. the device is custom-designed, it is not the Development board. Hence, we don't know how to program our device... please show us the detailed steps.


Sat, 27 Aug 2016 05:32:14 +0000 wenkangl 4515 at https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/how-flash-firmware-custom-designed-da14580-based-device#comments