yabo国际娱乐对话框半导体客户支持 - CPU不停止DA14580 https://support.dialog-seminile.com/resource-keywords/cpu-not-halted-da14580 EN. DA14580闪烁程序的定制板问题 https://support.dialog-semicondiondiondiondum/forums/post/dialog-smartbond-bluetooth-low-energy-%2%80%93-hardware-device-reference-designs/da14580-custom. < div class = "字段field-name-taxonomy-forums field-type-taxonomy-term-reference field-label-above”> < div class = "字段标签" >论坛:,< / div > < div class = "字段条目" > < div class =”field-item甚至“rel = " sioc: has_container " > < a href = " /论坛/ dialog-smartbond-bluetooth-low-energy - % E2 % 80% 93 -硬件-设备-引用-设计”“= " sioc:容器sioc:Forum" property="rdfs:label skos:prefLabel" datatype="">Dialog Smartbond Bluetooth Low Energy - Hardware (device &

* JLink Info: Reset:通过AIRCR.SYSRESETREQ重置设备。< br / > SP = _RDWORD (0 x20000000) < br / > =美元_RDWORD (0 x20000004) < br / > * * JLink警告:CPU不能停止< br / > * * * JLink错误:不能读CPU运行时注册15 (R15) < br / > * * * JLink错误:无法读取寄存器16 CPU运行时(XPSR) < br / > * * * JLink错误:不能读寄存器0 (R0) CPU运行时< br / > * * * JLink错误:无法读取寄存器1 CPU运行时(R1) < br / > * * * JLink错误:无法读取寄存器2 CPU运行时(R2) < br / > * * * JLink错误:无法读取寄存器3 CPU运行时(R3) < br / > * * * JLink错误:不能读取寄存器4 CPU运行时(R4) < br / > * * * JLink错误:无法读取寄存器5 CPU运行时(R5) < br / > * * * JLink错误:无法读取寄存器6 CPU运行时(R6) < br / > * * * JLink错误:无法读取寄存器7 CPU运行时(R7) < br / > * * * JLink错误:不能读寄存器8 CPU运行时(R8) < br / > * * * JLink错误:无法读取寄存器9 (R9机型),CPU运行< br / > * * * JLink错误:无法读取寄存器10 CPU运行时(R10) < br / > * * * JLink错误:无法读取寄存器11 CPU运行时(R11) < br / > * * * JLink错误: Can not read register 12 (R12) while CPU is running
***JLink Error: Can not read register 13 (R13) while CPU is running
***JLink Error: Can not read register 14 (R14) while CPU is running
***JLink Error: Can not read register 15 (R15) while CPU is running
***JLink Error: Can not read register 16 (XPSR) while CPU is running
***JLink Error: Can not read register 17 (MSP) while CPU is running
***JLink Error: Can not read register 18 (PSP) while CPU is running
***JLink Error: Can not read register 20 (CFBP) while CPU is running

then i tried to find another way, using smartsnippets to flash blinky code to custom board. when i use jtag mode in smarsnippets the log shows like in the attachment page 1, and when i use uart mode, the log shows like in the attachment page 2. i am a little bit confused with "cpu not halted" mean. can you provide any solution for my problem?
is it something like assembly problem with the cyrstal?

周五,2017年12月29日07:05:30 +0000 Kevleo94 131142年https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/forums/post/dialog-smartbond-bluetooth-low-energy-%E2%80%93-hardware-device-reference-designs/da14580-custom#comments