yabo国际娱乐对话半导体客户支持-接近 https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/resource-keywords/proximity BLE设备和主机配置 https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/forums/post/dialog-smartbond-bluetooth-low-energy-%E2%80%93-software/ble-device-and-host-configuration < div class = "字段field-name-taxonomy-forums field-type-taxonomy-term-reference field-label-above”> < div class = "字段标签" >论坛:,< / div > < div class = "字段条目" > < div class =”field-item甚至“rel = " sioc: has_container " > < a href = " /论坛/ dialog-smartbond-bluetooth-low-energy - % E2 % 80% 93 -软件”“=“sioc:容器sioc:论坛”属性= " rdfs: label skos: prefLabel”数据类型= " " >对话框Smartbond蓝牙低能量-软件< / > < / div > < / div > < / div > < div class =”字段field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden”> < div class = "字段条目" > < div class =”field-item甚至“财产=“内容:编码”> < p >亲爱的Dialog_Support, < / p > < p >我的项目需求,一个设备作为BLE主机,另一个设备作为BLE设备。我有一些关于接近例子和DSPS例子的问题。< / p > < p > 1。哪个例子更适合我的项目要求?需求方或接近吗?< br / > 2。我的项目不使用PC在主机端或设备端,所以我可以使用接近监视器在主机端?< br / > 3。接近工作在自动连接的概念,如DSPS?< br / > 4。多少设备可以连接到一个主机在接近和DSPS两者?< br / > 5。如果我从DSPS程序中删除uart,那么DSPS主机和DSPS设备将相互通信?

Thanks and Regards

星期三,2017年6月21日09:17:27 +0000 Rajapurerohit 53410年https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/forums/post/dialog-smartbond-bluetooth-low-energy-%E2%80%93-software/ble-device-and-host-configuration#comments
广告数据名称中的空格 https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/spaces-advertised-data-name < div class = "字段field-name-taxonomy-forums field-type-taxonomy-term-reference field-label-above”> < div class = "字段标签" >论坛:,< / div > < div class = "字段条目" > < div class =”field-item甚至“rel = " sioc: has_container " > < a href = " /论坛/ dialog-smartbond-bluetooth-low-energy - % E2 % 80% 93 -软件”“=“sioc:容器sioc:论坛”属性= " rdfs: label skos: prefLabel”数据类型= " " >对话框Smartbond蓝牙低能量-软件< / > < / div > < / div > < / div > < div class =”字段field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden”> < div class = "字段条目" > < div class =”field-item甚至“财产=“内容:编码”> < p >你好,< br / >我刚注意到我祝福主机截断如果数据包含空格,则发布数据。广告包可以不包含空格吗?如果有人能回答这个问题,我将不胜感激。我使用的是SDK3.0.10,但我也尝试了SDK5.0.2.1中的接近监视器,看到了同样的问题。< / p > < p >谢谢< / p > < / div > < / div > < / div > < div class =”字段field-name-field-forum-keywords field-type-taxonomy-term-reference field-label-above”> < div class = "字段标签" >关键词:,< / div > < div class = "字段条目" > < div class =”field-item甚至“> < a href = " / resource-keywords /空间”“=“skos:概念”属性=“rdfs: label skos: prefLabel”空间数据类型= " " > < / > < / div > < div class = " field-item古怪”> < a href = " / resource-keywords / advertised-data”“=“skos:概念”属性=“rdfs: label skos: prefLabel”数据类型= " " >广告数据< / > < / div > < div class =”field-item甚至“> < a href = " / resource-keywords / ble-host”“=“skos:概念”属性=“rdfs: label skos: prefLabel”数据类型= " " >祝福主机< / > < / div > < div class = " field-item古怪”> < a href = " / resource-keywords /扫描”“=“skos:概念”属性=“rdfs: label skos: prefLabel”数据类型= " " >扫描< / > < / div > < div class =”field-item甚至“> < a href = " / resource-keywords /距离”“=“skos:概念”属性=“rdfs: label skos: prefLabel”数据类型= " " >与< / > < / div > < / div > < / div > < div class = "字段field-name-field-device field-type-taxonomy-term-reference field-label-above " > < div class = "字段标签”>设备:,< / div > < div class = "字段条目" > < div class =”field-item甚至“> < a href = " / forum-post-device / da14580”“=“skos:概念”属性=“rdfs: label skos: prefLabel”数据类型= " " > da14580 < / > < / div > < / div > < / div > 星期一,2016年2月8日15:26:16 +0000 aley_i 2672年https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/spaces-advertised-data-name#comments 下载Dialog SmartTags移动应用程序的iOS和Android https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/resource/download-dialog-smarttags-mobile-app-ios-and-android

从这里下载 Dialog的SmartTags移动应用程序。

从这里下载 Dialog's SmartTags mobile application for Android


版本日期: 内容= " 2017 - 02年- 20 t00:00:00 + 00:00”> 20/02/2017跨度< / > < / div > < / div > < / div > < div class =”字段field-name-field-version-number field-type-text field-label-inline clearfix”> < div class = "字段标签" >版本号:,< / div > < div class = "字段条目" > < div class =”field-item甚至“> 1.1 < / div > < / div > < / div > < div class = "字段field-name-field-keywordsfield-type-taxonomy-term-reference field-label-inline clearfix " > < div class = "字段标签”>关键词:,< / div > < div class = "字段条目" > < div class =”field-item甚至“> < a href = " / resource-keywords /距离”“=“skos:概念”属性=“rdfs: label skos: prefLabel”数据类型= " " >与< / > < / div > < div class = " field-item古怪”> tag
2391年https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/resource/download-dialog-smarttags-mobile-app-ios-and-android#comments 近距离记者不做广告或连接监控 https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/proximity-reporter-does-not-advertise-or-connect-monitor < div class = "字段field-name-taxonomy-forums field-type-taxonomy-term-reference field-label-above”> < div class = "字段标签" >论坛:,< / div > < div class = "字段条目" > < div class =”field-item甚至“rel = " sioc: has_container " > < a href = " /论坛/ dialog-smartbond-bluetooth-low-energy - % E2 % 80% 93 -软件”“=“sioc:容器sioc:论坛”属性= " rdfs: label skos: prefLabel”数据类型= " " >对话框Smartbond蓝牙低能量-软件< / > < / div > < / div > < / div > < div class =”字段field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden”> < div class = "字段条目" > < div class =”field-item甚至“财产=“内容:编码”> < p >我想接近示例使用两个DA14580工作板(PAN1740 USB ver 1.0)。


=== Reporter ===

Build SDK\dk_apps\keil_projects\proximity\prox_reporter_ext_usb\Keil_5\prox_reporter_ext_usb。uvprojx在MDK5
调试,[run], exit debug

Run SDK\binaries\host\windows\proximity\reporter\host_proxr_sdk.exe

# DA14580 Proximity Reporter demo application #

No cmdline arguments.
Enter COM port number (values: 1-65535, blank to exit): 62
Connecting to COM62
COM62 succesfully opened, baud rate 115200
Waiting for DA14580 Device
upgrade_image1.img already exists.
upgrade_image2.img already exists.


# DA14580 Proximity Reporter demo application #

No cmdline arguments.
Enter COM port number (values: 1-65535, blank to exit): 62
Connecting to COM62
COM62 succesfully opened, baud rate 115200
Waiting for DA14580 Device
upgrade_image1.img header init OK.
upgrade_image2.img header init OK.

=== Monitor ===

Build SDK\dk_apps\keil_projects\proximity\prox_monitor_ext_usb\Keil_5\prox_monitor_ext_usb.uvprojx in MDK5
debug, exit debug

Run SDK\binaries\host\windows\proximity\monitor\host_proxm_sdk.exe

# DA1458x Proximity Monitor demo application #

# No. bd_addr Name Rssi #
# 1 00:04:3e:08:61:3a Amp'ed Up! -75 dB #
# 2 d0:5f:b8:57:e3:dc Zephyr HXM200012337 -91 dB
Select number of device to connect or 'S' to Rescan:


So the monitor is detecting other BLE devices, however not the Reporter.

I am following UM-B-010 and the "PAN1740 Design Guide" Chapter 12 (rev 1.6) which gives a step by step instruction for setting up both ends of Proximity using DA14580.

Maybe there is a problem with line // Sleep(100); in app.c of host_proxr_sdk, it is taking 100% of one of my win7x64 CPUs.
Unfortunately, windows.h is missing from SDK\host_apps\windows\proximity\reporter\host_proxr_sdk so I was not able to rebuild in Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Community.

Any thoughts on how to proceed?



Tue, 16 june 2015 15:41:14 +0000 欧文 1692年https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/proximity-reporter-does-not-advertise-or-connect-monitor#comments
DA14580:广告发布和扩展睡眠模式 https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/da14580-advertising-issue-and-extended-sleep-mode < div class = "字段field-name-taxonomy-forums field-type-taxonomy-term-reference field-label-above”> < div class = "字段标签" >论坛:,< / div > < div class = "字段条目" > < div class =”field-item甚至“rel = " sioc: has_container " > < a href = " /论坛/ dialog-smartbond-bluetooth-low-energy - % E2 % 80% 93 -软件”“=“sioc:容器sioc:论坛”属性= " rdfs: label skos: prefLabel”数据类型= " " >对话框Smartbond蓝牙低能量-软件< / > < / div > < / div > < / div > < div class =”字段field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden”> < div class = "字段条目" > < div class =”field-item甚至“财产=“内容:编码”> < p >亲爱的支持团队,< / p > < p >我们正在设计的DA14580,在调试模式下使用SDK 3.0.6的接近keil项目(不是OTP)。




谢谢您的支持,< / p > < p >问好< / p > < / div > < / div > < / div > < div class =”字段field-name-field-forum-keywords field-type-taxonomy-term-reference field-label-above”> < div class = "字段标签" >关键词:,< / div > < div class = "字段条目" > < div class =”field-item甚至“> < a href = " / resource-keywords / da14580”“=“skos:概念”属性=“rdfs: label skos: prefLabel” datatype="">DA14580

2015年1月23日星期五10:56:05 +0000 奥斯卡 1046年https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/da14580-advertising-issue-and-extended-sleep-mode#comments