
Can DA14586 work as peripheral and central at same time?

周一,2019-06-10 09:19--karanshah28

Hi Dialog Team,

We are planning to create a "Device A" (It will have DA14586 controller) which can act as a peripheral so that central devices like mobile can communicate with it.

Also we have few peripherals like devices which we can refer as "Device XYZ". We want to communicate with "Device XYZ" from "Device A".

As "Devices XYZ" are peripheral we will require "Device A" to be central in order to connect with them.

Is this possible via DA14586?

Thanks, Karan


Sun, 2019-06-09 07:38--anushiya


I am having trouble in setting up the extended sleep mode (without OPT copy). We are using custom 14586 board.

在ARCH_MAIN.c中,在步骤INT MAIN(VOID)(第139行)

if I replace sleep_mode = rwip_power_down(); (line 176) with sleep_mode = mode_active; It transmit the data continuously every one second without problem.

But if I leave sleep_mode = rwip_power_down() the packet does not get updated. After initialisation, the packet is updated once and then it transmit the same packet every one second.

DA14568 Flash operations

Fri, 2019-06-07 02:43--beemavishnu


DA14586 has inbuild Flash over SPI.


2) Whether I can write even a single byte at a time or do I need to write only word aligned (4 bytes at a time).

3) Usually flash cannot be re-written on same location untile entire page is erased. Is this the same even in Flash over SPI. I mean:

a) In DA14586, do we need to erase entier Flash to overwrite the same location or we can directly write same location without erasing.

Thanks & Regards

Pre defined Default pin state on wake-up from Deep Sleep

Thu, 2019-06-06 15:37--Rajucoolsuraj.

Hello Dialog,

I have a hardware configuration that requires a port pin to be set/high on wakeup from wither POR or from Deep Sleep.

Since, a reset always sets GPIO to '0' state, is there any way to use an assembly instruction that will be executed as first instruction on boot due to wakeup from Deep Sleep?



How to get peripheral name from scan response packet?

Thu, 2019-05-30 16:24--ojazdowski


As a central I am scanning for BLE peripherals.

I am trying to get the BLE Device name of my advertising peripheral ( it has one and I can see it using iOS apps like nRF Connect ).

I am getting the scan response of my peripheral in my ".app_on_adv_report_ind" callback event handler.

I can successfully connect to my peripheral from this callback by matching the advertising UUID to my known peripheral's via the callback "gapm_adv_report_ind" data

DA14586 custom board internal Flash programming using keil and required hardware connections with Pro Board

Fri, 2019-05-17 12:33--vishnuatdialog

Hello Dialog,

Please let us know, how should we do DA14586 Flash programming with using Keil uVision5 Tool? Is there any method of doing it? What is the required hardware connection for a custom board with the pro-development kit for programming internal flash?

Thank you

D. Vishnu

Free memory space available for user data in SPI Flash

SAT,2019-04-13 17:55--Rajucoolsuraj.

Hello Dialog,

我可以在SPI Flash中知道可用的地址范围一次,以保持固件。

洞穴ings -

I am using BLE pillar example - sleepmode.

On awake from Sleep mode, I write to the Flash @ address - 0x24000

I will want to store at least 80 KB of data in SPI Flash.




订阅RSS - DA14586