

Tue, 2017-08-08 13:54--Eric Scammell


I am using I2C to communicate with a sensor, and need to use DMA for a high-bandwidth read operation.
I am able to get the sensor ready to send the data, and can see the data being transmitted if I write 0x0100 to I2C_DATA_CMD_REG (as is done in i2c_eeprom.c).
What I have not yet managed is to use the DMA to complete this exchange. I can queue several reads by writing to I2C_DATA_CMD_REG more than once, but I haven't worked out if I can
have the DMA automate the process.

Can anyone tell me what I need to do to get data out of an I2C slave by DMA?

Connect Temperature Sensor in ADC VAL 1

Mon, 2017-08-07 07:26--advanchip@pacbe...

I am using DA14585-00ATDEVKT-P Development Kit - Pro with DA14585_SDK and Keil uVersion V5.23.0.0.

I am following Pillar 3 (peripheral) example to connect a temperature sensor into ADC to read temperature.

1) line 63 of user_periph_setup.c: void periph_init(void)
At the end of this function, I added
adc_init(GP_ADC_SE, 0, GP_ADC_ATTN3X );

BLE Example Pillar 4 (Security) does NOT work

Wed, 2017-08-02 08:55--advanchip@pacbe...

I am using DA14585-00ATDEVKT-P Development Kit - Pro with DA14585_SDK and Keil uVersion V5.23.0.0.

I am following the UM-B-080_DA14585_586_SDK_6_Software_Developer's_Guide_3v0.pdf to check out the examples without any codes modification. Now I am at 8.5 Pillar 4 (Security) which I didn't see the device name "Dialog-Security" show-up in my iOS LightBlue app. (Attached is the screen shot of the errors). All the previous examples are working successfully.

DA14585不能叫醒我f I burn the code into external flash...

Mon, 2017-07-31 07:29--stanley_yeh

Hi Dialog,
I am using the sample code: ble_app_peripheral from SDK 6.4.2.
Ionlymodified the variableapp_default_sleep_modefromARCH_SLEEP_OFFtoARCH_EXT_SLEEP_ON
I am very confused...If I burn the code into RAM (SmartSnippets -> Booter -> Download), it works.
However, If I burn it into external flash, it will advertise but just a while. The mobile app can find the device but the device disappears almost immediately.
It seems like DA14585 doesn't wake up sfter sleeping...

BLE Examples prox_reporter is NOT working

Thu, 2017-07-27 09:18--advanchip@pacbe...

I am using DA14585-00ATDEVKT-P Development Kit - Pro with DA14585_SDK and Keil uVersion V5.23.0.0

I followed UM-B-049 Getting started with the DA1458x Development Kit – Pro page 30 Section 4 to run the "blinky" example successfully.

However, I have problem running BLE Example

Application Development

Wed, 2017-07-19 05:10--jlabuac


We are planning to use the DA14585 but we are still waiting for its pro development kit to arrive. However, we do have a DA14681 here. And my question is, if I use the DA14681 along with its SDK to familiarize myself with the development process will the knowledge I gain from it help me for the DA14585 development? Or do I really have to stick on the DA14585/586 SDK Software development guide?



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