
OTP Header

Mon, 2018-03-12 14:21--TMiranda

Hi guys,
I've developed a custom board and I'm thinking about lowering the BOM, so I would like to use only an OTP instead of an external memory on my chip.

My plan is to burn two different firmwares on my OTP and then change the OTP's header to point to which firmware I want to use on my board. Is this possible? Where can I find more information about it?

Thanks in advance.

Notification message not setting value in database

Fri,2018-03-09 19:05--mkelwood

The CUSTS1_VAL_NTF_REQ message as documented in custs1_task.h:

/// Set/update characteristic value and trigger a notification

suggests that the handler for this message will actually set the value in the ATT database. This was the case with SDK 5 but appears to NOT be the case for SDK 6. In order to actually set the new value in the database, I need to set the value directly (using attmdb_att_set_value() or custs1_att_set_value()) before sending the notification message, or send a CUSTS1_VAL_SET_REQ to the custs1 task.


Thu, 2018-03-01 12:05--stanley_yeh

Hi there,
Our customer wants to change advertising data by mobile phone, so I add a function to receive data from mobile.
I use the function - "app_easy_gap_update_adv_data" to set adv data, however, if the data from mobile is wrong, I found DA14585 will hang up and be reset by watch dog.
For example, if mobile send "FF FF FF FF FF" and I set the data to "app_easy_gap_update_adv_data", DA14585 will hang up and be reset.
How can I prevent this status? write a parser to confirm the data? Does there any rules or formats for advertising data?

Changing user_advertise_data to send manufacture data

Wed, 2018-02-28 19:25--TMiranda

Hi guys.

我的果阿l is to send the manufacture data on the advertising content this way, so I can access it with another device.
Currently, this is what my USER_ADVERTISE_DATA definition looks like:

#define USER_ADVERTISE_DATA "\x03"\

Sample project for Voice RCU Development Kit w/BMI160

Mon, 2018-02-26 04:47--Jun-ichi Tobe

Hi support!
I have "DA14585 Voice RCU Development Kit" now.
This Kit has a sensor product BMI 160, but this sensor function does not seem to be used in the original firmware.
是否可以使用BMI 160提供示例项目(如果有)?
I'm considering using it as an air mouse or game controller.

UART Downloading

星期四,2018-02-22 11:59--goutham


I want to dump the code into DA14585 via UART. For this purpose I am referring the said document AN-B-020.I followed the steps in the UART downloading under Chapter-6.When I followed the CLI mentioned in the document as C:\Program Files\SmartSnippets\bin ,I am unable to go to that path.When I downloaded Smartsnippets I am unable to get the bin,Smartsnippets.exe files under the program files folder.Only the SmartSnippets tool is being created.Kindly guide me to rectify this issue.


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