
Detect DA14581 vs 14585 when booting from serial

Sun, 2018-07-08 15:43--mringwal

Hi. Is there a way to check which DA1458x controller is connected via serial before doing the firmware upload into SRAM?

Assuming a powerful host, e.g. a Linux PC, it could detect which controller is connected and then upload the correct firmware.
Of course, this is not relevant for production, but it would be nice nevertheless.


LL_REJECT_EXT_IND caused high speed connection between iPhone 8 and DA14585

Fri, 2018-07-06 03:52--uta_lc

Dear Dlg Support,

We found that in some cases DA14585 and iPhone 8 can get stuck in high speed connection.

In our application, we try to maximize connection parameter to reduce power consumption. So a few seconds (6s) after a new connection, the slave (da14580/1/5) tries to issue connection parameter update request to increase connection interval to maximum value allowed.

DSPS V6.150.2 Pairing Issue


Hi, I would like to enable the security feature in this reference design. I passed all steps form tutorials and software portion guide. Now DA1485 device asked the pin-code from the phone, but all its services are in free access for phone, and it can work without code confirmation.

ps. Of course, the proprietary application DSPS skips the connection, but my one can pair and work without any confirmation.

DA14585 IoT Multi-Sensor User guide


Hello Dialog,
It is nice to see the DA14585 IoT Multi-Sensor Development Kit, It was well integrated of all the 15 sensors into it and design looks cool and compact.
I want to explore more technically about this module by referring to the User manuals, Schematic files, Hardware reference application.
When are you going to provide all the available documents for DA14585 IoT Multi-Sensor module like you have provided for DA14583 IoT Sensor module?


Fri, 2018-06-29 08:03--zhangminkang


测试对比: 1: DA14585开发板正常
2: 自己的硬件进入HardFault_HandlerC异常; ( 进入__asm("BKPT #0\n");)

Power Optimization for BLE

Mon, 2018-06-25 15:04--sr9213

Dear Dialog,

We have a custom board based on DA14585 running on a CR2032 Li-ion battery. We are trying to optimize current consumption for the device. Also, there is an accelerometer (BMA222E) too. Could you please tell us what are the factors that affect the battery consumption. It would be great if there is an application note regarding this. Your help is much appreciated.

Best Regards,


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