
Long running operation like ECDSA verify signature in the app_process_catch_rest_cb handler

Thu, 2018-11-15 14:26--tly@xtel.dk

We have a system which a BLE peripheral. It implements a set of characteristics for reading and then writing. We have implemented a write indication handler for a particular characteristic. This characteristic is 64 bytes long. When the central side of the connection writes this characteristic (using write-with-response) we run a ECDSA signature verification process inside the method pointed to by the app_process_catch_rest_cb. This operation takes approximately 1.2 seconds, which means that the handler is blocked in the CUSTS1_VAL_WRITE_IND handling inside the app_process_catch_rest_cb.

Characteristic's read command not working in updated SDK

Wed, 2018-11-14 14:14--rajan22

Hi Dialog,

I am working on software DA14585_SDK and hardware DA14585AC (DA14585 00000).
When I am trying to read ADC_1 characteristic's data, as in original code "ble_app_peripheral" project, data is not coming but through notification data is coming.

Earlier we were using same code but on DA14585_SDK 6.0.2 and DA14585AB then we able to read data through read and notification command both.

How I can read data without notification in DA14585_SDK


Direct Test mode in DA 14585 using BLE tester MTP200B

Thu, 2018-10-25 05:09--wisilica

I am performing direct test mode on DA 14585 chipset using prod_test_585.hex and ble tester MTP200B. Steps followed are as follows :
1. Flashed DA 14585 board(PRO) with prod_test_585.hex using smart snippets toolbox via JTAG
2. Connected the UART rx and tx of board to USB to TTL converter and then to PC.
3.In the settings tab of the BLE tester software, selected 2-wire UART option(2 options are available - 2-wire and HCI - UART), baud rate of 115200 and opened the corresponding port.
4. Connect the RF port of tester to that of board.

Controlling two SPI slaves: Flash for SUOTA plus generic SPI IC

Tue, 2018-10-23 12:19--Firefox2005


I want to use the SPI together with an external flash for SUOTA. The pin configuration for the flash SPI is like on the Dev Kit Basic Board [1].
Additionally I want to control a second slave with a extra CS pin for selecting the device.

1. Referring to the SUOTA example presentation [2] there is no need of the spi_flash driver [3] because the boot routine checks if there is any external flash and if yes the program will be loaded from the external flash. I read this on the BootROM Sequence in the datasheet [4]. Is my assumption right?

Voice RCU with ProDK

星期五,2018-10-19 08:38--Haitao

I have got a Voice RCU kit and a ProDK kit. When Using the Voice RCU kit , I can get audio data transfered from the kit to the voice rcu app on my android phone. But when using ProDK, I can not find the ble device searching by the app. I read through the configuration instruction in the B.1 part of UM-B-086, as mentioned in this part , MIC , BMI160 , keyboard can be connect to the ProDK, if I do not connet these components to the kit , will the ProDK work well as a ble audio input device, as I know , in the RCU kit , audio can be simulated into sinwave and triangle wave.


Fri, 2018-09-28 06:45--randyzhou

测试585官方的DSPS功能看不到测试效果:硬件环境为dialog 开发板The Pro DK board 跳帽选择是UART的方式非SPI方式,运行代码为官方的DSPS代码DA14585_DSPS_v_6.150.2中的dsps-device工程,正常编译后JLINK方式调试,用IOS手机的DSPS app应用开启后连接sps-585设备,选择Read/Transfer Data选项进行发送跟接受测试,在Send Console Mode Data中不管是ASCLL还是HEX选项进去发送数据,在Receive Console Mode Data 项中未接收到任何数据。请问是否需要在代码中修改相关内容还是别的需要注意事项,官方文档UM-B-088 DA14585 Serial Port Service Reference Application_v1.0 上面也没说明有需要特别设置的地方,请问是否那个地方或环节需要修改或设置.


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