
High Deep Sleep Current

Wed, 2019-03-20 22:19--marco.galvagno

Hello Dialog Team,

on our project we are trying to use 'Deep Sleep' mode in order to reduce the consumed power to the minimum allowed by Dialog device.

For this purpose we are setting the device into deep sleep mode by calling 'arch_set_deep_sleep(true)' function.

The device is normally configured to enter into "Extended sleep' mode with OTP copy, and on request we would like to switch it to 'Deep Sleep'.

After burning one device with the configured project artifact we are facing the following problems:

Modifing UART driver (UART_Handler_func)

Thu, 2019-03-14 14:18--mapart


I'd like to use the uart to interface a gnss which spits out NMEA data and in order to achive this I'd like to modify the UART driver.

I've imported the file which holds the definitions for (among other functions) UART_Handler_func into my project (based on ble_app_security), and when trying to compile I get the following errors:

Da1458X industrial application

Mon, 2019-03-11 03:08--BenjaminDu

Dear Dialog,

I'm now testing Da1458X, and my application is in the industrial enviroment, but according to the datasheet, the application doesn't include industry. I wonder if DA1458X can be used in industrial working condition, is there any bad effect if I use DA1458X in industrial environment? or is there any other BLE device I can use in the industrial environment?



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