
Keil Micro Vision Code Size Issue

Tue, 2019-05-21 03:21--eng-k


Customer of mine is evaluating DA14585-00ATDEVKT and using evaluation version of Keil Micro Vison IDE

As this version code size limited to 32KB, we're facing insufficient code size.

I'd like to seek your advise below:

  • Besides Keil Micro Vision, is there any IDE vendor (such as Eclipse or VScode ..etc ) that EVK DA14585 can support? Our requirement is using SPI to flash the firmware
  • Is it possible to increase the code size for evaluation version?



Wed, 2019-05-15 14:28--ohmi

Hello support team,

I'm trying to understand how the SDK works.

Using example ble_app_barebone.

I'm trying to have the device running in 2 states :

state 0 : advertising
state 1 : doing nothing

to achieve this I've modified the above project in that way :
in function adv_data_update_timer_cb() -- timer callback : I'm switching state based on an internal counter
When counter reaches the expected value, I change state and ask for adv stop:

myStatus is a global variable

Serial logging does not work with Dev kit DA14585 Pro

Tue, 2019-05-14 16:17--ohmi

Hello support team,

I'm trying to use serial logging with the DA145858 pro dev kit, while changing the prox_reporter project.

UART2 works as I was able to receive messages with the Blinky project.

I've enabled the logging by defining CFG_PRINTF in da14585x_config_basic.h
uart2.c is present in sdk_driver and uart.h in sdk_driver_api

What did I miss?

Security features

Fri, 2019-05-10 02:01--Keuntae Shin


I'm considering for enabling security features of DA14585 which is one of Dialog's SmartBond Products. At first glance, some features are not enabled as default when the firmware is updated via SPOTA. I would like to ask you a few questions:

  • Is there any way to enable a firmware integrity checking when using OTA ?
  • Is there any way to enable a firmware encryption when using OTA ?

DA14585 OTP读取造成芯片一直复位

Sun, 2019-05-05 09:30--liubinzh

注意到otp的header中有144字节的Customer Specific Field。目前我们的程序通过SmartSnippets Toolbox 进行OTP烧写,同时在Customer Specific Field中写入我们需要的数据。

烧写的程序里,我们在启动的时候读取Customer Specific Field数据,发现会造成系统复位,请问是不是读取的方式不对呢


Deep Sleep for DA14585

Tue, 2019-04-30 10:31--Jean

Hi Dialog,

I would like implement deep sleep on DA14585 and follow the document "Training_04_Sleep mode configurations and power measurement_0".

1. add arch_set_deep_sleep(1); to static void app_button_press_cb(void) function on user_proxr.c

2. modify static const sleep_state_t app_default_sleep_mode = ARCH_EXT_SLEEP_OTP_COPY_ON; on user_config.h

3. undefine #undef CFG_DEVELOPMENT_DEBUG on da1458x_config_basic.h

4. define #define CFG_CODE_LOCATION_OTP on da1458x_config_advanced.h


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