
spi_access to start dma rx

Tue, 2019-06-18 06:52--kidmose


in you examplecode for SPI->DMA, spi_access() is called to start receiving data.




data_buffer[0] = spi_access(filler); //Start transfer by receiving the first byte manually



Can you please elaborate on the following:

1. Why is this needed

2. Shall data on the SPI bus be started after this dummy call or can data lready be flowing on the SPI bus, when this is called.


About ANCS several issues

Tue, 2019-06-04 01:55--AZIO-Frank Chen

Hello Dialog,
There is a sample code in the DA14585 SDK, the directory is \ \ projects \ target_apps \ misc \ ancs_client \
These examples are used in the Apple Notification Center Service (ANCS) and each sample has several issues.
1. Can I add customer service to the ANCS architecture?
2. In the ANCS architecture, is the matching mechanism different from the general mechanism?


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