
DA14585 DK Pro SDK6.0.12 prox_reporter Eclipse/GCC problem

Mon, 2020-02-24 16:44--dsteury


I downloaded SDK6.0.12 and I'm using a DK14585 Pro development board. I noticed in the Getting Started with SDK6 tuturoal, Dialog Semiconductor offers some level of support for GCC and references:

The SDK contains a sample application which supports GCC. This project can be found in the following folder: / projects / target_apps / ble_examples / prox_reporter / Eclipse

I successfully imported the project, but I got a warning:

DA14585 Advertises only once on POR after OTP

Mon, 2020-02-24 04:43--MarkDsylva_2277


I compiled the 'ble_app_noncon'example in the 'misc' folder and I download the hex file into the OTP using the smart snippets tool. When checking on a ble scanner, the device advertises only once and after that no advertisment at all. I did the following changes to the existing program.

Unable to Communicate with External Processor on Port 0 Pins

Mon, 2020-02-24 04:28--MarkDsylva_2277


I am have a external processor attached to my custom board with DA14585. The external chip's IO pin is connected to PORT0, PIN2. I am configuring this pin as Input without pullup. The external processor has the pin pulled high most of the time. When the data is ready, it pulls down the pin. But I am not able to read a low when i read using GPIO_GetPinStatus(GPIO_PORT_0,GPIO_PIN_2). When i checked it on an oscilloscope, the low signal level is at 0.8V and high signal is at 3.3V in that pin. Why the offset of 0.8V?. What am i doing wrong here?.

Stop Advertisement

Thu, 2020-02-20 11:46--MarkDsylva_2277

Hi PMDialog,

I am tyring out the'ble_app_noncon'example in the 'misc' folder. The advertisement data is getting populated in the advertisement string. I am using a BLE scanner app to see the string on my mobile phone. When I try to stop the advertisement by calling 'app_easy_gap_advertise_stop()' function the advertisement stops. I am running a debug session and the program stops atASSERT_ERROR(0);

DA14585 boot from "MX25R2035F" flash chip available on "DA14585-00ATDEVKT-B" board.

星期二,2020-02-18 11:53--Sunny Raut

I am new to DA14585 and working on above kit since last 3 days, following are my queries:

1. Can DA14585 boot from "MX25R2035F" flash chip available on "DA14585-00ATDEVKT-B" board or "MX25R2035F" is having some other purpose on this board?

2. If DA14585 can boot, do I need to create and burn secondary bootloader in OTP and application code in "MX25R2035F" flash chip?

3. If yes, does it mean that only secondary bootloader is stored in OTP and application code is stored in "MX25R2035F" flash chip?


Thu, 2020-02-13 09:17--alex.jian

HI Dialog




2.使用SmartSnippets Toolbox v5.0.10的Flash Programmer燒錄程式,燒錄成功後,開發版在我重新上電(USB拔除後插回)後並沒有執行程式請問在燒錄完成後需要做什麼動作才能讓上電後執行燒錄的程式

DA14585 microstrip impedance matching

Tue, 2020-02-11 13:21--ahiggs


I am designing a space constrained circuit and would like to use a ceramic chip antenna and microstrip to match the impedance. In the DA14585 hardware design guide, it says to place inductor L1 (3.9nH for QFN) close to the DA. The closest I can get it is about 2mm from the antenna pin. Is the microstrip then placed after this 2mm trace or do I include those 2mm in the calculation of the microstrip length?




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