Dialog Semiconductor customer support - lightblue read https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/resource-keywords/lightblue-read en Can't read charateristic value from iPhone app (LightBlue) https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/cant-read-charateristic-value-iphone-app-lightblue

Hi dialog team,

I am newcomer in BLE and trying to run the ble_app_peripheral project on DA14580 based on SDK5.0.4. (EVK Pro)The central device is iPhone app LightBlue. My final goal is reading accelerator sensor value controlled by iPhone.

As the first step, I want to see if I can catch the events on the DA14580, to do it, several break points are set in the callback functions, like gattc_write_cmd_ind_handler, custs1_val_ind_req_handler and custs1_val_ntf_req_handler in the file custs1_task.c.

After that, If I push "write new value" in LightBlue, then I can see the program stops in the gattc_write_cmd_ind_handler function which is also expected. But if I push "read" in LightBlue, nothing happens in the program. LightBlue shows also "no value" What's the reason?

I know there are already several threads discussed about this issue, for example

- using notification instead of read, because read access directly BLE stack
- SDK 5.0.4 will fix it
- take ble_app_peripheral as reference
and so on

I tried all these, but no success. So

1. Would you please tell me which example code can deal with "read" from LightBlue
2. If there is no such example, would you please tell me which steps should I then do? A little more details will be very helpful for me
3. Is LightBlue the right mobile app for testing "read" ? If not, which app would you recommend me?

Thank you very much


星期一,2016年8月29日22:03:01 + 0000 muxf 4522 at https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/cant-read-charateristic-value-iphone-app-lightblue#comments