Dialog Semiconductor customer support - Kicad DA14583 design https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/resource-keywords/kicad-da14583-design en Antenna Design https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/antenna-design

Hi Dialog,
I am designing a pcb for da1483 using Inverted F antenna design(Full sized IFA) as specified in the Application note AN-B-027.I am using Kicad software for designing.I have successfully imported the dxf files in F.paste ,Bpaste layer and have placed via to interconnect both the top,bottom layers.I want to ask that ,do we need to import antenna as copper trace or is it ok if we use it directly in F.paste layer(solder mask layer?
Thank You.

星期四,2016年8月25日12:39:33 + 0000 dhirajp15 4506 at https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/antenna-design#comments