Dialog Semiconductor customer support - Deadlock https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/resource-keywords/deadlock en SPI GTL死锁 https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/spi-gtl-deadlock < div class = "字段field-name-taxonomy-forums field-type-taxonomy-term-reference field-label-above">

Hi all,

I'm operating a DA14580 in the external processor configuration. It is controlled by a uC (SPI master) using the GTL 5-wire SPI protocol. I keep having the problem of running into a deadlock. When streaming some data over BLE (hence a lot of traffic between the uC and the DA), I run into a state where both the DA and the uC want to transmit at the same time. More specifically, the DA gets stuck in the spi_hci_write_func() function. It drives the DREADY signal high and waits for an SPI transfer (spi_wait_for_transfer()):

spi_dready_high(); // Assert dready to request transmit
do {
spi_wait_for_transfer(); // Wait for SPI transaction from SPI master device

However, the uC tries to send a message at the same time and gets stuck in the spi_send_hci_msg() function, waiting for the DREADY signal to go low:

// disable dready interrupt
// Polling DREADY to detect if data is being received

The following happens:
- The uC disables the dready interrupt, just before the DA asserts the dready signal.
- The dready signal goes high, but no interrupt is triggered on the uC side.
- Instead, the uC waits for the dready signal to go low.
- The dready signal won't go low, since the DA is waiting for an SPI transmission.
--> Deadlock

I'm wondering how the protocol intends to avoid running into the deadlock described above. From what it looks like there is no mechanism that prevents that situation.


edit: tried to make problem description more comprehensive

Tue, 26 Jul 2016 18:34:26 +0000 mabraun 4284 at https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com https://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/spi-gtl-deadlock#comments