I am trying to use SUOTA for the DA14583 and use the internal flash.
In document AN-B-10 it is mentioned to use the SUOTA Initiator.
Then you have to select the memory type SPI or I2C.
But in case of the DA14583 the flash is internal. SO what do you need to select in that case?
My assumpsion is to select SPI because the SmartSnipet SPI Flash Programmer works ok.
Ronald Snoeck
Hi ronald,
You mean, what option you should choose in the SUOTA android application ? since your images are located in the SPI, and the SPI is the one that you want to store the image that is going to be downloaded from your phone, SPI is the option you should choose.
Thanks MT_dialog
这个想法是为了更新固件的DT14583佛罗里达州h devices with the Digital dongle.
In the documentation only DT14580 is mentioned.
Please provide links to more info
Hi ronald,
The 580 and the 583 is almost identical their main difference is the internal flash which is connected in pins on port 2.
Thanks MT_dialog