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Last seen:5 years 1 month ago
Joined:2016-03-15 08:46
Starting a new project


I'm developing a new board with a Murata LBCA2HNZYZ BLE module (which includes a DA14580 chip).

We are already using USB to serial converters and Bluetooth SPP for this application, we want to switch to BLE for price, size and compatibility with iOS (power consumption is not a problem at all, the units runs for a few minutes pulling amps and amps and then the battery is replaced).

I did not download the SDK yet (will do today), I have the Dialog dev kit (waiting for the murata dev kit).

My main concern is about the throughput and how to achieve the best throughput, and still be compatible with PC, android, and iOS. We currently use 115200bps on both BT and USB, I know I won't get the same speed on BLE, just hoping it won't be too slow ...

What about compatibility, is it really compatible with pretty much all smartphones out there ? What about desktop PC compatibility (with adequate hardware) ? Are recent laptops all equipped with BLE, is it compatible, is it handled correctly by windows ? linux ? mac ?
We are using Qt for software development, it has BLE support since 5.5, did someone already used Qt to exchange data with a DA14580 ?


Last seen:5 years 1 month ago
Joined:2016-03-15 08:46


Another question ... I don't really want to use OTP, is it fully supported in the end device to inject the firmware through UART at boot up (every time the device starts) ?
I see no technical reason this could not be supported, but I prefer to make sure.

This way I wouldn't have to program the unit separately (I have another Cortex-M on the board that I need to program in production), and just need the UART / RESET pins to control from the main MCU to inject firmware (32kB is not a big deal, I have 256kB of "main" firmware), I can leave the VPP pin unconnected, and can update the BLE firmware if needed.

What is the firmware size for the DSPS protocol ?


Last seen:2 months 2 weeks ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi Otatiaro,

Hi Otatiaro,

I suppose that you are most interested in our DSPS application since you want to replace the USB to serial converters with BLE. I would suggest to have a look at the DSPS application note of our reference example. Regarding Smart phones, the compability is more of an android version dependant than a Smart Phone. The DSPS application has been tested with android 4.4.2 to 5.0 and with iOS 7.0 to 8.1.1. The DSPS application uses a dialog custom profile (since there isn't an official BLE serial profile adopted by the BT SIG yet) so in order to use the DSPS over windows or Linux you have to use an extra 580 that will receive the data and will push them to your Serial port, since the DSPS application is only available on android and not on a pc(windows or Linux).

Regarding your second questions, yes you can download code to the 580 using UART, the memory size of the application image is about 15Kbytes in SDK3 and around 17Kbytes in SDK5.

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:5 years 1 month ago
Joined:2016-03-15 08:46


Thanks for the quick answer. I do not have access to the SDK yet (asked for it only a couple hours ago).

Ok 15/17kB is not a big deal. Any hint for Qt use ?
We are using our own protocol / terminal program anyway, is using a second 580 mandatory for PC use or is it "just" coding the correct software to interpret packets (I understand it is not transparent for the app, it has to handle BLE packets and not serial communication) ?
What is the expected data rate using DSPS (we already have checksums and retries in our protocol) ?

I'm finishing the hardware design ... just can't figure out what to do with ANTin and ANTout yet ...


Last seen:2 months 2 weeks ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi Otatiaro,

Hi Otatiaro,

We dont use the qt, so i am not aware. You have to develop a windows application that is equivalent to the android/iOS DSPS application that will implement the custom profile, connect and
interact with the DSPS 580 application since there is no standard profile. You can find all the info regarding the DSPS application in the DSPS application note, the transfer rates are from 40kbps up to 80kbps with 115200 baud rate.

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:5 years 1 month ago
Joined:2016-03-15 08:46


Ok received the murata dev kit, installed the tools, etc.
Uploaded prox_sensor example project to the board, started it, look for BT peripherals, ok I can see it with my cheap USB BT/BLE dongle on Windows 10, try to pair, pairing ok.
Great !
Next step, download DSPS, compile, load to the board and start it, I can see the new peripheral name in windows, good, try to pair .... nop, windows won't pair with dsps device, Houston, we have a problem !

On the hardware side, I connected ANTin and ANTout on the Murata module, that's ok, now about the external 32KHz crystal, it seems to be optional, could you confirm ?


Last seen:5 years 1 month ago
Joined:2016-03-15 08:46
Seems to be because windows

Seems to be because windows want some king of pairing :https://e2e.ti.com/support/wireless_connectivity/bluetooth_low_energy/f/...
Or does that mean that my application could connect to the device without pairing (I have to investigate) ?
多么困难是添加配对吗to DSPS (I may have multiple devices in the same area, each one belonging to a customer, I like the idea that people don't connect to someone's else device by mistake).


Last seen:5 years 1 month ago
Joined:2016-03-15 08:46
Ok based on this : http:/

Ok based on this :http://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/sdk-5-and-basic-board-problemI enabled security in the DSPS target project.
Now I can connect from windows 10 and windows phone 8.1, I hope this won't create problems for Android or iOS ?

I also disabled sleep modes and set the slow clock source to not the 32KHz crystal, hopping this is enough to remove the crystal from the board.

Next step is software development to get things up and running on the PC/Android/iOS side (I may continue with Qt or switch back to C# / .NET / Xamarin ...).
But hey, honestly, I wasn't expecting to be able to connect to it after a couple hours only !


Last seen:2 months 2 weeks ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi Otatiaro,

Hi Otatiaro,

The DSPS application doesn't implement security in order to pair, it just connects with the client device as you have noticed. As far as the external crystals the XTAL16 is mandatory for buck or boost mode, the XTAL32 is mandatory only for boost mode as indicated by the 580 datasheet on pages 142 and 143.

Thanks MT_dialog

Last seen:4 years 11 months ago
Joined:2015-11-10 12:09
Hi to All,

Hi to All,
I have question about pins connection - Murata module ZY ,in documentation i see if i work with 115k bound rate i connect to P0_2 and P0_3 (UTX & RTX) but on this pins is CTS and RTS, what can I do , I know this protocol is work with this connection ?
I know how connection to 56k and 9k but 115K is problem .
Thank .

Table 4: UART baud rates on different pins while booting
UTX URX Baud rate (kbit/s)
P0_0 P0_1 57.6
P0_2 P0_3 115.2
P0_4 P0_5 57.6
P0_6 P0_7 9.6

Last seen:2 months 2 weeks ago
Joined:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi v007bond,

Hi v007bond,

我不确定我是否了解你的问题,UART波特rates you are talking about are the predefined baud rates on the predefined pins when the booting sequence is performed by the 580 (when the primary bootloader executes). After the booting sequence is complete you can reset your pins to whatever functionallity and baud rate you want in the peripheral initialization function. Please have a look at the AN-B-001 documents for more info regarding the booting sequence of the 580.

Thanks MT_dialog