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Last seen:4 years 11 months ago
加入:2014-01-14 12:23


我们need to create a simple remote control, for example to remotely control lights. I want to have a DA14580 both in the keyfob as the transmitter (peripheral role?), and as the receiver in the stationary lamp (central role?). Can you help me with which example project I would be best off using for this?

What I do not understand is how the power modes and connection would work in the keyfob device. I guess in order to keep current consumption low, it must go to sleep mode when not in use. But when you press the button, you want the device to wake up, connect and transfer the command very quickly, lets say within 0,5s


FYI, I have used both the beacon project, and the DSPS (peripheral and central) with nice performance, but I guess neither of these really meets a remote control scenario?

- I guess the beacon meets the power consumption needs, and that I can generate a transmit package when a button is pressed, BUT what project would I run on the central role part in order to always be ready to receive such a package (which would come at any random time)?

- I guess the DSPS provides a nice link for sending commands (for example a button press), but how to get the power consumption down on the peripheral side?

Last seen:1 month 2 weeks ago
加入:2015-06-08 11:34
Hi rkpu,

Hi rkpu,

我们dont have any reference example that suits exactly to your needs.

I suppose that this kind of device would be bonded with a master attached to the lamb, and when the user presses the button the device would wake up directly or undirectly advertise to the bonded device connect and send a notification to open the lamp (the remote can have multiple buttons to advertise diffrently in order to connect to different hosts, etc).

But on the other hand you can have the remote as master and the lamp as peripheral and it can be bonded with multiple lambs, if you press the button the device wakes up scans connect to the lamps and start writing the characteristics in order lit them up. Or even it could be with no connection but with data in the advertising string (a beacon like device with magic numbers in the advertising string).

The cases and how you can implement this kind of function are unlimited

- The device should scan all the time for available devices

- I dont think that the dsps would suit that case.

Thanks MT_dialog