Hi Support team,
As i knew, the DA14580 Dev-kit plays in server role and the android device plays in client role in bonding process. So i wonder why that the android device want to connect with DA14580 dev-kit then the DA14580 dev-kit have to entering a passkey, but not is my android device? Is there any solutions for vice- versa?
Thanks and best regards,
Hello Blue,
It is the second phase of Pairing, Authentication of the link. Passkey Entry is the algorithm used forAuthentication between two devices. If an android device can act as server role and connect to other clien roles, then you have chance to enter passkey on you android device.
Hi MH_Dialog,
Thank you so much for reply! Well i see, but could you tell me in detail what i need to do in order to set my android device acts as server role? Is there any reference source code or manual?
Best regards,
Hi MH,
My team is having a issue like that, if i change server role of KBD ref design into client role by changing DISS and DISC profiles then does android device could acts as server role? Is it relates to APK source code?
Hi Chungtran,
When Andriod device connect DA14580, in most cases Android device is master. During security process, slave needs to provide passcode. No way to let android device provide passcode.
Hi PY,
Thanks you so much for this answer. Well i see, but could i set default passcode by using GAP_TK_DISPLAY and app_send_tk_exch_func? I mean when my android device connect to DA14580, then the default passcode which i have set in DA before will be least condition for authentication between 2-side.
Is it possible?
Best regards,
Chung Tran
Hi chungtran,
this way may not work.
If you don't need passcode level security, you can comment out EEPROM_ON and CFG_MULTI_BOND, then just work mode will be selected and no passcode needed.
Hi PY,
Its nice when knew that but in fact, we need to implement a passcode entry method, so there is no solution for me in order to set a passcode by mysefl? I really dont understand the meaning of TK created functions? Could you tell me in detail?
Thanks so much,
Chung Tran
Hi PY ,
We have already resolved our problem but i still dont understand where does 6-degits passcode generate? Is it STK? As what i have read then STK=(TK,Srand,Mrand) but i could not find out where are they in Keyboard ref source code. Is it not use in there?
Chung Tran