wearable SDK DA14681

Adding Sensors into DA14681 Wearable DK

Tue, 2019-09-24 18:49--mrdobson


To give some background, I'm working with the DA14681 Wearable Development Kit and version 1.0.8 of the wearable SDK. I am using the "target_apps\wrbl" project from the software dev kit as a template.

I am adding a new sensor via I2C and have built a working driver for the new device. I have been able to successfully read from (via printf statements to the UART) and write to registers on the sensor with a set of simple dummy functions that I run in main.c at boot.

Wearable development screen stopped working

Wed, 2017-12-20 23:38--roybenshlomo

I have received my Wearable development kit and have been using it for a few weeks now.
All of a sudden the screen on the development kit stopped working, I can connect to the device and I can also see prints I am generating in code in the serial interface but the screen does not show anything and the touch functionality does nothing as well.
Is there a known issue for this to happen? Is there a way to perhaps hard-reset the device? Flicking the on switch on/off does not help (although I can see in the serial interface that something happens when I do that).

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