AD1468x - SPI Half Duplex

Fri, 2019-06-21 11:02--bobspam@free.fr


I do need to communicate with a SPI peripheral that requires SPI Half-Duplex communications.

Can you confirm to me that this is possible with AD1468x and how ?

Is complex SPI transaction with callback functions between read and write transactions in which we toggle GPIO PIN Function from DO to DI suitable ?

Thank you in advance

I2C and SPI drop out when BLE connection starts on DA14681 Dev Board

Wed, 2017-10-04 12:58--jetsonindustries

We're working on a IoT device using the Dialog DA14681 MCU, LIS331HH accelerometer and MMC3416 magnetometer.

everything connects up well and we get readings from both sensors (accel via SPI and Magneto via I2C).

The moment we initiate BLE connection it all goes horribly wrong.

DA14580 spi flash's pin assignment

Tue, 2017-09-26 11:38--Simon WANG

Dear Sir,

I have changed the pin assignments for the flash which runs the program.
The following list is the mapping.
SPI_CS P0_3 - > P0_2
SPI_CLK P0_0 --> P2_1
SPI_DO P0_5 --> P0_3
SPI_DI P0_6 --> P0_4

I only change the pin assignments in user_peripheral.h and I also find there is no reference for these SPI PIN definitions.

Booting from SPI Master

Thu, 2016-09-01 13:29--PDonchev

I'm little confused with AN-B-001 - "DA1458x Booting from serial interfaces".
In Table 2: SPI Master boot protocol, when ACK/NACK will be received?
- when sending the zero byte
- when sending the LS byte of the length?
Also, according the last row of the table (byte nr.8), when sending the first byte of the data, then will receive the ACK/NACK for the code/mode,
but that doesn't correspond with the next table.
I have feeling that all values for MISO column are moved one row down.

DA14580 Development Kit Basic Connections

Sun, 2015-12-13 04:23--sarab

I just started to work with DA14580DEVKT-B board and I want to make a data transmission between two DA14580DEVKT-B boards. I have some questions:
I am not sure about the connection between the microcontroller and the BLE. Because in the schematic in the UM-B-048 there is no SPI connection and I just found a UART connection but in UM-B-051 it is said that the communication should be done by SPI. Which one is correct?
How can I make sure that the BLE is working? Because I cannot find the BLEs with DSPS software.

Issues with External SPI Flash

Wed, 2015-07-08 17:09--Jpelochino

I have a custom design PCBA that mimics the beacon reference design (exact same circuit). For reference, I am running from a primary lithium cell and bucking. However, I am using AT25XE011 as my external flash. The FW I am running is your DA14580_BEACON_3.40.6-> dialog_beacon_fh. The beacon does function, can boot from flash (and SmartSnippets can connect and erase/write/read external flash thru JTAG), and advertises.

Fast SPI and low-latency BLE - simultaneously?

Thu, 2015-06-04 16:50--krispin


I am considering the da14580 for a product that needs to:

1) Receive data over SPI at a rate of 5k bytes / sec
2) Relay data over BLE to an iOS device with low latency (<5ms of delay introduced by the da14580, + ~20ms introduced by the iOS device).

I believe that the da14580's SPI maximum clock rate (8MHz) and maximum BLE data rate (120-140kbps?) can fit these goals, but am unclear about whether or not the da14580's processor can handle BOTH receiving incoming data at this rate, and transmitting it over BLE *simultaneously*.

Loading Firmware from an external microcontroller

Sun, 2015-03-22 18:20--Matthieu ANTOINE


In my project, I plan to use a microcontroller to store the firmware and dowload it inside the DA14580 at startup through SPI. What is the best way to do: microcontroller acting as a SPI slave or a SPI master?

你有任何源代码执行的例子吗this feature?

Thanks in advance.


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