
SmartSnippets工具箱SPI Flash编程失败了

Thu, 2019-02-28 14:58--azimin

Hello, I'm trying to burn internal flash memory over JTAG. But get an error:
[ERROR SPI Flash @19-02-28 17:51:23] Adddittional error info at JTAG address 0x7FC7C0C. (MSB first): FF FF FF F8.
[ERROR SPI Flash @19-02-28 17:51:23] Memory burning failed.

I have tried two configurations:
SPI_EN: P2_3
SPI_DI: P2_4
SPI_DO: P2_9
SPI_EN: P2_3
SPI_DI: P2_9
SPI_DO: P2_4

Save power profiler data to file

Thu, 2018-03-29 18:01--vmore


I would like to save the SmartSnippets power profiler data to a file and I can see there is an option to specify a csv file path under 'config'. I assume this for is saving the raw data? But selecting a path for the csv file to be written doesn't actually create a file after running a session of profiling. Am I missing something? Is it possible to save data to a file at all?

Some burning problems on SmartSnippets

Thu, 2017-12-21 07:24--orzzz0815

Hi, all
I have some problem on smartsnippets. While I burn the program, prox_reporter, into the DA14580 board, i can't scan my device with my smartphone.
But the message shows i do it successful. When I read the memory content, its contents is same as data file content.

In additional, I use the IDE Keli5 to burn the same program, the result is that I can scan my device. So, i think my program is correct.

How can solve this problem on SmartSnippers?

The following is my setting.

How to import source file into my project, Smartsnippets

Wed, 2017-02-08 06:51--jamesleo-konka

Hi, Dialog
I make new c and h files, but failed to import to my project.
For peripheral_demo project, I copy my c and h file to 'demo' directory, but it doesn't appear in project view.
So I tried to import them, there is a item in Import -- General\File system , and then select the 'demo' folder , the IDE told they have been in the project ....

How to import my c and h file into project?

Best Regards


DA14583 not found in Smartsnippets

Tue, 2016-03-22 15:59--Inok


I use the DA14583 in my own design.
For developing I use Keil ULINK Pro on the Pins SW_CLK (26) and SWDIO (25).
I can download the software from uVision and start it properly and now I want to write the code into the flash
As far I have seen this is not possible from Keil uVision 5.15 directly, it seems I need Smartsnippets.
I installed Smartsnippets V3.9, 64Bit and expect using Keil ULINK Pro as well, but when I start Smartsnippets, the project and virtual com port / JTAG selection opens but I can not see my board.

Received error message while checking whether burning was successful: FFFFFFFE

Sun, 2015-10-18 14:53--oren

We are having problems with burning our DA14580 modules, with a computer and a programmer that used to work well.
We suspect that the problem has to do with some windows-7 update or some damaged dll. we did not change anything else in the system.
We are running a script that executes smart-snippets from the command-line, so we are sure we did not change any of the flags.

We tried reinstalling Smart Snippets versions 3.4, 3.6 and 3.8 without success.
We did not try Smart Snippets 3.9 (The program was written with SDK3.0.8).


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