sleep mode

Not going into sleep mode - DA1469x

Tue, 2021-01-05 13:04--Zinal

Hello Dialog,

it would be great if you could help me with a problem related to sleep and waking-up.

I have configure sleep mode and waking up through wakeup controller with GPIO 0_12. bur i'm not able to verify that device is going to sleep mode or not i have tried to measure current consumption also but not seeing any change in current.

main.c, sys_init(),


Sleep wake using BLE timer

Tue, 2020-12-22 12:43--巴拉吉


I'm using USB development kit , To minimize power consumption we are trying to incorporate one of sleep modes from following link

My requiremets are,

1.In Every 100 ms cycle it should go to sleep for 50 ms. (Remaining 50 ms it will do adc read and update to ble)

2. ThroughBLE timerit should wake up.

Questions about waking up DA14583 by pressing a button

Tue, 2018-06-19 16:05--Elvis1991


Software: We are using DA14583 IoT Sensor for the reference design and run the RAW Project.
Hardware: The original design to control the power is based on a switcher, which means that when the switcher is off, the MCU will stop to work.
However, for real application, we would like to change the original switcher design to "softly" control, by entering the extended sleep mode and disable advertising if the button is not pressed.

As a result, we would like to revise the original firmware to realize the “wake-up“” function.


DA1458X extended sleep mode

Wed, 2017-10-04 11:00--Rajapurerohit

Dear Dialog_Support,

I am working on extended sleep mode for my project.
1.我的要求是,我想让我的呼吸设备p mode( ble_radio_off) completely and device should woke up whenever Mobile App tries to connect.
Once the connection is done, device should do a necessary BLE task (means read,write and notify) and after completion of task device should again enter into sleep mode.

2.few of my tasks are based on timer0. So is it possible to wake up my device using timer0? if Yes, then what all things should i take into consideration.

from extern sleep mode to active mode

Thu, 2017-04-13 16:02--z0806020433

hi !

during the advertising, the device is connected, then i change the device from deep sleep mode to active mode by calling the function disable_sleep_mode(), and i set a pin to high level. but i can not do it, i found the pin is still low level.
please help me, thanks!

About the sleep mode

Fri, 2016-05-13 15:25--z20121202038

A question about the sleep mode, I open the micro in da14580_config.h:
/*Sleep modes*/
#undef cfg_deep_sleep.

Then it go to sleep after power on, and cannot waked up from the sleep mode.
I cannot catch any broadcast packet.
Can the timer in the app_ht_task wake up the systerm?
thank you very much!


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