
Stop advertising after failed pin for certain amount of time

Fri, 2019-10-18 14:30--ant777222

I have been working with the codeless AT command code for the DA14580. I have made some changes to fit the application that I need. I was wondering if there is a way to keep track of failed connections if a wrong pin is entered. For example, I would like to implement a scenario where if a pin was entered wrong 5 times, I would like to stop advertising for 5 minutes. I would like to add this as an added security feature. Is this possible to do and how would I keep track of failed connecions if it is?



Reject bonding request from Central

Wed, 2016-07-13 11:20--ankitdaf


I have read Tutorial 6 on how to implement bonding and have successful implemented bonding.

However, presently, if I bond an Android phone (as Master) and then I try to bond another phone, it still bonds and the old bonding information is lost.
有可能reject bonding if bonding has already been done? I can set and check a flag manually, but I was wondering if there was an API method to check this. Also, which API method must be called in order to cancel the bonding request initiated by a new Master ?


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