
Power on reset and Undervoltage detection

Tue, 2018-08-28 06:47--imaizumi.k

Dear Dialog support team,

I want to know the detail information about reset specification.
Could you tell me below questions ?
1. Power on reset rising threshold voltage
2. Under voltage detection threshold
3. POR detect to RST deassertion delay
4. Could I change "Under voltage detection threshold" and "POR detect to Reset deassertion delay" ?

Best Regards,

BOR event every 8 seconds

Wed, 2018-08-08 09:57--martinfehre

Hi Dialog,

we developed a custom board for the DA14680 and experience a BOD reset every 8 seconds.
The BOR only occurs with DCDC on.
After a BOR event the CRG_TOP->BOD_STATUS_REG Register reads the Decimal value 19, sometimes 21. It indicates a problem with the 1V8 or 1V8P rail, but I can not find the cause.

The DA14680 is in a aQFN-60 package.
Additionally we use a slightly modified version of the ble_peripheral example and the lates SDK (SDK_1.0.14.1081)

DA14580 Permanent Program

Tue, 2017-03-07 12:31--powerpoint45

Hi! I'm new to programming these devices. I have a module with the DA14580 Attached. It's called the HJ-580LA. I'm trying the get the DSPS working on this device. While I can boot into the DSPS program using the "Booter", I cannot figure out how to make the program stay when disconnected from power/reset. All I am using right now is a simple TTYUSB cable to program using the RX/TX ports. The module I am using has the following pins available:

Auto disconnect related to connection interval

Thu, 2017-02-16 03:11--sentimental

I use 14580 Pro board, SDK5.0.4. I found that when fixed the sensor sampling rate, if I set the connection interval too large, the board will disconnect after several minutes. If I change the connection interval smaller then it won't disconnect. When it is disconnected, it stops at:
void wrap_platform_reset(uint32_t error)
ASSERT_WARNING(error==RESET_AFTER_SPOTA_UPDATE); //do not break in case of a SPOTA reset

Boot from i2c EEPROM requires hard reset in DSPS

Fri, 2016-02-12 16:28--behzad

I use the DSPS code for my custom board that boots from EEPROM. There is no reset button on my custom board and eveytime the i2c booting is finished, the app does not run until I connect the developemtboard and press the reset button on it.
Other firmware e.g. Peripheral_setup does not have this problem and runs when I connect the battery.
How can I solve this issue? Is there anything in da14580_config.h that is stopping the app to run until a hard reset is done?
thank you.

J-Link cannot halt CPU after reset on DA14580 Development Kit - Pro

Tue, 2015-10-27 13:12--dubstepdubstep


I just received the DA14580 Development Kit - Pro (motherboard+daughterboard QFN40) and worked through the User Manual "DA14580/581/583 Bluetooth Smart development Kit – Pro" PDF. I was able to open and build the sample projekt "blinky" on Keil uVision5. After I started the debug session the program started succesfully. However, when I do a reset (ether via Keil or button) I get the following log and the program crashs.

* * * 32768字节码尺寸L限制版本imit
*** Currently used: 3276 Bytes (9%)

Can't reset via Keil with basic dev kit board

Wed, 2014-11-26 10:12--gcblair


For some reason if I click reset in Keil it just makes the application sit there doing nothing. The only way to get the application running again is to detach the debugger and attach it again.

I am using the basic dev kit. Any idea why this may be? It is really taking along time to debug applications when I need to restart the BLE advertising sequence

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