raspberry pi

How to interpret hex values from the sensor?

Sun, 2017-04-23 20:51--mfn

I am trying to read some sensor data from the DA14583 I just got. For that, I am using a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B which will establish a connection with the sensor.

Using gatttool on the Pi, I was able to connect to the device via bluetooth and I got some values from the temparature sensor (where 0x20 is the handler address of the respective sensor):

> handle: 0x0020, char properties: 0x10, char value handle: 0x0021, uuid: [omitted here]
美元char-read-hnd 0 x20
> 10 21 00 06 24 40 3f 18 26 97 b0 bb 44 44 7d 70 89 a7 2e

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