Low Power Mode deep Sleep

Hot to test Deep Sleep and Extended Deep Sleep without using the SDK

Wed, 2016-01-20 08:17--Andrea Longobardi


I would like to test power consumption in Deep Sleep/Extended Sleep Mode of my system and to do that I want to be able to activate this modes using a simple peripheral like example.
Therefore without loading the entire SDK needed for BLE application.

Is it possible?

Additionally, do the TIMER0/2 work in Deep Sleep and extended Deep Sleep mode?

Thanks for your help,


Low Power Mode and Jlink Connection

Thu, 2015-06-04 07:20--cuijinfei

Hi Dialog,

i have added Sample128 and Low Power Mode to my project basics on SDK_3.0.6,Sample128 functional,but Low Power Mode failed,and when i download my project ,Jlink always failed to identify target(it can download sometimes), if i download Sample128 without Low Power Mode Jlink functionnal.

i have done following steps to add Low Power Mode

1. i define CFG_DEEP_SLEEP in da15480_config.h and undefine

2.我的评论,uncomment following code with add or comment app_disable_sleep();

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