Keil uVision 5

J-Link cannot halt CPU after reset on DA14580 Development Kit - Pro

Tue, 2015-10-27 13:12--dubstepdubstep


I just received the DA14580 Development Kit - Pro (motherboard+daughterboard QFN40) and worked through the User Manual "DA14580/581/583 Bluetooth Smart development Kit – Pro" PDF. I was able to open and build the sample projekt "blinky" on Keil uVision5. After I started the debug session the program started succesfully. However, when I do a reset (ether via Keil or button) I get the following log and the program crashs.

* * * 32768字节码尺寸L限制版本imit
*** Currently used: 3276 Bytes (9%)

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